Kean Electronics |
Kean Electronics Pty Ltd is an IT consulting and embedded system design house, located in Sydney, Australia.
We specialise in consulting related to Windows, Unix, and Linux servers, firewalls, email systems, networking, and Progress OpenEdge.
We also work with clients to design and prototype embedded systems using off the shelf and/or custom hardware, open source and proprietary software, and various communication networks.
Our designs are simple, yet practical, and we make heavy use of custom software to get the most from the hardware.
Since 1984 we have been designing computerised control systems, and writing software for a variety of applications. Some of these include:
- Wildlife monitoring - weighbridges and GPS/accelerometer/altitude activity trackers (STM32/Linux/AVR)
- Firmware and hardware for various commercial and 'light art' LED lighting installations
- Robotic control for laboratory dispensing and automated testing applications (Arduino/grbl/C#)
- Hardware & firmware engineering for Light & Holiday by MooresCloud (Freescale i.MX233/Arduino/Linux)
- EDI software for the optical dispensing industry (C#.NET, PHP, XML, Delphi)
- Sensors, dataloggers, and telemetry for marine plant and algal studies - including optical and conventional sensors (MSP430)
- RFID data capture and automated weighing for Little Penguins (Linux/Arduino/MSP430)
- Data capture and integration for residential and office furntiture moves (Android)
- Intranet/Extranet applications for asset tracking and RMA processing (PHP/MySQL)
- Automated remote-storage spirit (liquor) dispenser with POS integration (Windows Embedded, PIC18, C#.NET, C)
- Serial port data capture system capable of monitoring 200+ ports simultaneously (Linux)
- Legacy communication protocol converters/gateways (various)
- Microcontroller based test equipment, including power usage monitoring system and Cat5 cable tester
- Cactus Terminal Emulator for Windows (C++)
The majority of our work is consulting to third parties, and work is usually covered under NDA agreements.
We generally only sell "finished products" to research organisations or universities.
We also have a number of Open Source Hardware projects - some developed in conjunction with the Sydney Hackerspace
We have experience across a wide range of hardware, software, and technology -- including:
- Raspberry Pi and other Linux SBCs
- ST Micro STM32, Freescale iMX
- Atmel AVR, SAMD
- Texas Instruments MSP430
- Microchip PIC 12, 16, 18, 24 series
- Motorola 6809 and 68HC11
- Intel 80x86, 8031, 8051, etc
- Zilog Z80, Z8, eZ80
- C and C++
- C#.NET on Windows Desktop/Embedded/Mobile
- Assembler, BASIC & Forth
- Unix/Linux - Mail/Web/Firewalls/Embedded
- Python, PHP, MySQL, etc
- Progress OpenEdge and WebSpeed
- iOS & Android app maintenace
- Server virtualisation - ESX & HyperV
- RS-232, RS-485, I2C, SPI, USB
- TCP/IP, Ethernet and Wireless
- GPS, GPRS/3G, SMS, LoRa, radio links
- Photodiodes, Load Cells, RFID
- Circuit and PCB design (Eagle/Altium/LTspice)
- G-Code, ModBus, & motion control
- CNC design and prototyping (CamBam/Mach3/grbl)
- Fusion 360 modelling & 3D Printing
If you have an interest in our services, please
contact us.
© 1997-2020 Kean Electronics Pty Ltd, ABN 73 627 091 196
Office: Unit 10, 3 Hamley Rd, Mount Kuring-Gai NSW 2080, Australia
Post: PO Box 3316, Asquith NSW 2077, Australia
Last updated: 6th July 2020